Bug Fixes on my Blog


Posted by starwavelin on May 24, 2018


总的来讲做了这一件事:Improve the content delivery network of font-awesome (or other libraries as well) from CDN to CDNJS

What libraries are using CDN for now?

  1. highlight.js v.8.6 (commented in the given template)
  2. fastclick v.1.0.6
  3. font-awesome v.4.2.0
  4. html5shiv v.3.7.0 & respond.js v.1.4.2
    these two are for browsers lower than IE9, already in commented mode
  5. anchor-js v.1.1.1

The only one I found different from others is the one for font-awesome 4.2.0, which is supplied from https://cdn.staticfile.org/font-awesome/4.2.0/css/font-awesome.min.css. The original author left a comment saying Hux change font-awesome CDN to qiniu. So this CDN is actually from 七牛云 for the convenience of viewers in mainland China.

Now let me just change this back to http://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/4.3.0/css/font-awesome.min.css and see if the page loading speed would improve.

And Yes, the loading speed has been dramatically improved to 1.35 second. loading-speed

For people from mainland China, if you have difficulty viewing the SNS icons as below, sns-icons please use Disqus (if available to you) or any other SNS/contact method to let me know. I will do my best to balance the services to my audiences. Thanks!


  1. Updated the baseurl: in _config.yml file from “/huxblog-boilerplate” to “” and served my blog from the root directory of GITHUB_USERNAME.github.io
  2. Fixed the issue of cannot display SNS Zhihu and GitHub icons based on pull request #21