How to Use GitHub to Create a Tech Blog?


Posted by starwavelin on May 21, 2018

GitHub Page Setup

Complete the 5 steps listed on

Use Jekyll to Build a Blog

In your Mac/Linux terminal

# Install Jekyll and Bundler gems through RubyGems
$ sudo gem install jekyll bundler

In your local directory, run $ jekyll new blog to see how the blog files and structure look like in the blog/ folder

# Create a new Jekyll site at ./blog
$ jekyll new blog

blog-structure the default jekyll blog file structure after running the command above

# Change into your new directory
$ cd blog

# Build the site on the preview server
$ bundle exec jekyll serve

# Now browse http://localhost:4000

If the page on port 4000 looks like the screenshot below Then you are good to stop the bundle exec process, remove the previous index.html file from directory, copy everything from blog/ directory into, and do $ bundle exec jekyll serve again. default-jekyll-blog source of the info in the section above is from here

Apply a Jekyll template

If you are lazy as I am, feel free to use Hux Blog Template which looked cool to me.
In your terminal, do

# Clone huxblog-boilerplate project
$ git clone

# Test if the sample site runs well
# (you can also test using $ jekyll serve, or $ jekyll serve --watch)
$ cd huxblog-boilerplate
$ jekyll server

# Copy all the files from cloned huxblog-boilerplate project into your blog directory
$ cp -r ./ ../

You can now start tweaking your blog based on the documentation here as well as some bug fixing hints in my blog repo

Finally, happy blogging!